Duplicate entries in FCPX Share Menu

If you see duplicate entries for Xsend Motion in your Share menu, this can be caused by a known bug in Final Cut Pro X.

Here's how to solve it:

  1. Quit Final Cut Pro X
  2. In the Finder, choose Go To Folder... from the Go menu (or press Command-Shift-G) then paste this path "/Library/Application Support/ProApps/Share Destinations/"
  3. Trash the file Xsend Motion.fcpxdest
  4. Launch Final Cut Pro X and choose Preferences... from the File menu and select the Destinations tab
  5. Select any Xsend Motion entries in the list on the left and remove them by clicking the – (minus) button.
  6. After you removed all Xsend Motion entries from the list you and add one back yourself.
  7. Choose Add Destination from the list on the left
  8. Double-click Export File from the new destination options on the right
  9. Change the Open With… popup to use Xsend Motion. Choose Other… and then select Xsend Motion
  10. Rename your new Share Destination “Xsend Motion”
  11. Close the Preferences window


Here's a video demonstration of adding Xsend Motion to the Share Menu...

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