If you see duplicate entries for Xsend Motion in your Share menu, this can be caused by a known bug in Final Cut Pro X.
Here's how to solve it:
- Quit Final Cut Pro X
- In the Finder, choose Go To Folder... from the Go menu (or press Command-Shift-G) then paste this path "/Library/Application Support/ProApps/Share Destinations/"
- Trash the file Xsend Motion.fcpxdest
- Launch Final Cut Pro X and choose Preferences... from the File menu and select the Destinations tab
- Select any Xsend Motion entries in the list on the left and remove them by clicking the – (minus) button.
- After you removed all Xsend Motion entries from the list you and add one back yourself.
- Choose Add Destination from the list on the left
- Double-click Export File from the new destination options on the right
- Change the Open With… popup to use Xsend Motion. Choose Other… and then select Xsend Motion
- Rename your new Share Destination “Xsend Motion”
- Close the Preferences window
Here's a video demonstration of adding Xsend Motion to the Share Menu...